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Regionalistica 2024 Volume 11 number 2 pages 59-73 | ![]() |
Title of the article | Russia and China: Interaction in Terms of Land Transport at the Present Stage |
Pages | 59-73 |
Author | ![]() doctor of economics, associate professor, leading research fellow Economic Research Institute FEB RAS 153, Tikhookeanskaya Street, Khabarovsk, Russia, 680042 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ORCID: 0000-0002-9944-4714 |
Abstract | The paper presents an overview of the dynamics of cross-border interactions between Russia and the PRC in terms of road and rail modes of transportation in 2020–2023. It is shown that transportation services underwent changes determined by short-term and long-term factors. In the period under consideration, short-term factors had a more significant impact: 1) restrictions related to COVID-19 infection control measures (2020–2022); 2) reduction of the pandemic threat and gradual lifting of the applied restrictions (from the beginning of 2023). Long-term factors also influenced transportation interactions. The paper analyzes the growth of containerization, changes in institutional conditions, increased demand for transportation in the context of growing sanctions pressure on Russia and reorientation of transport and logistics flows. The processes of adjustment of rail and road cross-border correspondence in the context of freight and passenger segments, as well as individual checkpoints on the border between Russia and China are considered. It is noted that by the beginning of 2024 the transport interactions between the countries have been restored at the «pre-pandemic» level and are developing: construction of transport infrastructure facilities continues, technical equipment of border checkpoints is being improved, new organizational forms of transportation (special container trains, new routes, transportation technologies) are being implemented. |
Code | 338.47+339.56 |
DOI | 10.14530/reg.2024.2.59 |
Keywords | cross-border transport, border checkpoints, rail transport, road transport, Russia, China |
Download | 2024-02.59.pdf |
For citation | Bardal A.B. Russia and China: Interaction in Terms of Land Transport at the Present Stage. Regionalistica [Regionalistics]. 2024. Vol. 11. No. 2. Pp. 59–73. http://dx.doi.org/10.14530/reg.2024.2.59 (In Russian) |
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