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previous article Regionalistica 2021 Volume 8 number 3 pages 49-55 next article


Title of the article Mesolevel Networks in Relational Sociology As a Theoretical Tool: Possibilities and Limits of Application
Pages 49-55
Author 1 Vasilkov Evgeniy AleksandrovichVasilkov Evgeniy Aleksandrovich
post-graduate student
Pacific National University
136, Tikhookeanskaya Street, Khabarovsk, Russia, 680035
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Author 2 Leontyeva Elvira OctavievnaLeontyeva Elvira Octavievna
doctor of sociology, professor of the Department of Sociology, Political Science and Regional Studies
Pacific National University
136, Tikhookeanskaya Street, Khabarovsk, Russia, 680035
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Abstract The article proposes a theoretical framework for considering mesolevel social networks in terms of relational sociology. A methodological solution of restrictive construction strategies is offered in order to determine the boundaries among micro-, meso-, and macrolevel networks. The heuristic potential and interpretive properties of the mesolevel theory are shown, as well as its application limits in relational sociology.
Code 316.25
DOI 10.14530/reg.2021.3.49
Keywords relational sociology ♦ mesolevel networks ♦ network boundaries
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For citation Vasilkov E.A., Leontyeva E.O. Mesolevel Networks in Relational Sociology As a Theoretical Tool: Possibilities and Limits of Application. Regionalistica [Regionalistics]. 2021. Vol. 8. No. 3. Pp. 49–55. (In Russian)
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