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Regionalistica 2019 Volume 6 number 2 pages 23-37 | ![]() |
Title of the article | Strategies of Inhabitants of the Far East in the Sphere of Higher Education and Their Influence on Migration Activity in the Region |
Pages | 23-37 |
Author 1 | ![]() doctor of sociology, associate professor, head of department Pacific National University 136, Tikhookeanskaya Street, Khabarovsk, Russia, 680035 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Author 2 | ![]() post-graduate student Pacific National University 136, Tikhookeanskaya Street, Khabarovsk, Russia, 680035 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Abstract | Based on materials of empirical research, the article considers education strategies of families living in the Far East, having senior high school children and planning higher education for them upon school graduation. As strategy elements, expectations from university and motives for receiving higher education, majoring, full-time or part-time enrollment, level of education, risks and cost-bearing possibilities, place of education and preparedness to migrate have been studied. As for decision-making type, strategies have been divided into cooperative, independent, and authoritative. Analysis of strategy types in combination with social and demographic characteristics has shown that migration activity is stronger pronounced in families, where either child or parent(s) make the decision, and is almost invisible in cooperative strategy. |
Code | 316.4 |
DOI | 10.14530/reg.2019.2.23 |
Keywords | education strategy ♦ higher education ♦ Far East ♦ family ♦ migration |
Download | 2019-02.23.pdf |
For citation | Leontyeva E.O., Reznichenko A.P. Strategies of Inhabitants of the Far East in the Sphere of Higher Education and Their Influence on Migration Activity in the Region. Regionalistica [Regionalistics]. 2019. Vol. 6. No. 2. Pp. 23–37. DOI: 10.14530/reg.2019.2.23. (In Russian). |
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