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previous article Regionalistica 2024 Volume 11 number 5 pages 5-20 next article


Title of the article Possibilities for Developing Domestic Demand for the Regional Forest Complex
Pages 5-20
Author Antonova Natalia EvgenyevnaAntonova Natalia Evgenyevna
doctor of economics, associate professor, chief researcher
Economic Research Institute FEB RAS
153, Tikhookeanskaya Street, Khabarovsk, Russia, 680042
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ORCID: 0000-0003-0317-0817
Abstract The article examines how the search for possible development directions is being carried out for the export-oriented regional forestry complex based on the new priorities proposed at the state level. The responses of economic agents to the state policy to stimulate domestic demand for forestry products in the region are analyzed. New promising areas in the forestry complex of Khabarovsk Territory are considered: expanding the use of biofuels in housing and communal services and developing wooden housing construction. The positive impact of government support measures on the growth of individual housing construction is shown, primarily due to preferential mortgage programs. Conclusions are made about the limitations for increasing domestic demand for forestry products in Khabarovsk Territory, proposals are presented to overcome them, including additions to the National Programme for Socio-Economic Development of the Far East for the period until 2024 and for the future until 2035.
Code 332.1+330.15
DOI 10.14530/reg.2024.5.5
Keywords forest complex, domestic demand, government support, wooden housing construction, biofuel, Khabarovsk Territory
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For citation Antonova N.E. Possibilities for Developing Domestic Demand for the Regional Forest Complex. Regionalistica [Regionalistics]. 2024. Vol. 11. No. 5. Pp. 5–20. (In Russian)
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