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Regionalistica 2024 Volume 11 number 1 pages 24-39 | ![]() |
Title of the article | Assessment of the Level of Development of the Agglomeration Effect in the Spatial Socio-Economic System of the St. Petersburg Agglomeration |
Pages | 24-39 |
Author | ![]() candidate of geographical sciences, associate professor Pushkin Leningrad State University 10, Petersburg Highway, Pushkin, Russia, 196605 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ORCID: 0000-0002-0784-7699 |
Abstract | A methodological approach to assessing the level of development of the agglomeration effect is proposed, tested on the example of administrative units of the largest urban agglomeration in Russia – St. Petersburg. The basis of the methodological approach was relative indicators that made it possible to assess the economic efficiency of the functioning of production activities (profitability), the efficiency of labor activity of the economically active population (labor productivity), the level of formation and spatial distribution of types of economic activity (sectoral uniformity coefficient), the level of spatial heterogeneity of types of economic activity (industry diversity coefficient). Based on the results of calculations of profitability and labor productivity indicators, they were clustered by administrative units of the studied agglomeration using the Kohonen self-organizing network method, which made it possible to determine three groups of levels (high, medium and low) and display their spatial distribution on a cartographic basis. As a result, the highest level of profitability is characteristic of the peripheral region of the St. Petersburg agglomeration – Gatchina, the average level was found in the core of the St. Petersburg agglomeration, as well as in the peripheral Vsevolozhsk, Lomonosov and Kirov regions. The group with low values included Tosnensky and Volosovsky districts, as well as Sosnovoborsky urban district. In terms of labor productivity, a high level was noted in the Lomonosovsky district, an average level in the Sosnovoborsky urban district, in the Vsevolozhsky and Kirovsky districts, and a low level in St. Petersburg, Volosovsky, Gatchina and Tosnensky districts. In terms of sectoral evenness, all administrative units of the studied agglomeration have an average level, and in terms of sectoral diversity, an average level was noted only in St. Petersburg, with a high level in all peripheral regions. |
Code | 332.13 |
DOI | 10.14530/reg.2024.1.24 |
Keywords | city agglomeration, St. Petersburg agglomeration, agglomeration effect, profitability, labor productivity, industry uniformity, industry diversity, types of economic activity |
Download | 2024-01.24.pdf |
For citation | Olifir D.I. Assessment of the Level of Development of the Agglomeration Effect in the Spatial Socio-Economic System of the St. Petersburg Agglomeration. Regionalistica [Regionalistics]. 2024. Vol. 11. No. 1. Pp. 24–39. http://dx.doi.org/10.14530/reg.2024.1.24 (In Russian) |
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