Issue's contents |
Regionalistica 2022 Volume 9 number 5 pages 64-87 |
Title of the article | Assessment of the Differentiation of the Ethnodemographic Factor of Cultural Evolution in the United States: A Regional Study |
Pages | 64-87 |
Author | Minat Valery Nikolaevich candidate of geographical sciences, associate professor Ryazan State Agrotechnological University Named after P.A. Kostychev 1, Kostycheva Street, Ryazan, Russia, 390044 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ORCID: 0000-0002-8787-4274 |
Abstract | An assessment of the differentiation of the ethnodemographic factor combining the spatial and temporal development of interrelated processes of population movement and ethnodemographic heterogeneity, cultural evolution in the United States of America for the period 1981-2020 in the context of individual territories is carried out. The empirical results obtained indicate an ever-increasing, but multidirectional change in the regional interaction of demographic, ethnic and cultural processes in the space - time continuum of the United States. As a result of the comparative analysis, the conclusion is made about the «American specificity» and at the same time the typicality (in comparison with other countries) of the studied spatial and temporal dynamics of the influence of the ethnodemographic factor on the nature of cultural evolution observed in different groups of US territories over the past 40 years. The presence of a qualitative transition is empirically substantiated - a cultural shift characterized by the achievement of a certain quantitative limit of the linear development of cultural values to democracy, tolerance, freedom, national unity. The noted shift «highlighted» the critical essence (threshold values) of the multidirectional evolution of the American nation over the past 20 years, determined by the predominance of factional or polarization trends in population development, migration, and localization «pressure» on the concentration of carriers of different cultures. |
Code | 314.125(73) |
DOI | 10.14530/reg.2022.5.64 |
Keywords | population ♦ cultural evolution ♦ ethnodemographic factor ♦ cultural shift ♦ ethnodemographic heterogeneity ♦ population movement ♦ demoethnocultural turbulence ♦ United States |
Download | 2022-05.64.pdf |
For citation | Minat V.N. Assessment of the Differentiation of the Ethnodemographic Factor of Cultural Evolution in the United States: A Regional Study. Regionalistica [Regionalistics]. 2022. Vol. 9. No. 5. Pp. 64-87. (In Russian) |
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