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previous article Regionalistica 2021 Volume 8 number 1 pages 29-38 next article


Title of the article Russian-Mongolian Trade and Economic Relations: Far Eastern Prospects
Pages 29-38
Author Namzhilova Victoria OchirovnaNamzhilova Victoria Ochirovna
Candidate of science (economics), research fellow
Buryat Scientific Centre SB RAS
8, Sakhyanovoy Street, Ulan-Ude, Russia, 670047
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Abstract The article examines the role of the Far East in modern Russian-Mongolian trade and economic relations. Based on the data of customs statistics, the features of mutual trade of the Far Eastern subjects with Mongolia are determined. The factors determining the growing interest of Ulaanbaatar to Russian Far Eastern ports are identified. Author highlights the Mongolian projects of railways construction, potentially aimed at enhancing transport connectivity with Russian territories, especially in the context of mineral raw materials supply diversification. The «bottlenecks» of the transport and logistics environment in the region bordering on Mongolia – the Republic of Buryatia, are shown. The research findings are applicable to management practices, especially those concerning transport and logistics solutions to ensure Russian-Mongolian trade.
Code 339.5
DOI 10.14530/reg.2021.1.29
Keywords Russian-Mongolian trade ♦ export ♦ import ♦ transit of coal ♦ Far Eastern ports ♦ cargo transportation ♦ construction of terminals
Download 2021-01.29.pdf
For citation Namzhilova V.O. Russian-Mongolian Trade and Economic Relations: Far Eastern Prospects. Regionalistica [Regionalistics]. 2021. Vol. 8. No. 1. Pp. 29–38. (In Russian)
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