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previous article Regionalistica 2020 Volume 7 number 4 pages 24-37 next article


Title of the article Exchange Rate Regime Changes and Portfolio Investment Flows in ASEAN Countries
Pages 24-37
Author Dyomina Yana ValeryevnaDyomina Yana Valeryevna
PhD in economics, senior research fellow
Economic Research Institute FEB RAS
153, Tikhookeanskaya Street, Khabarovsk, Russia, 680042
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Abstract The article analyzes the functional dependence between portfolio investment assets of ASEAN-5 countries and changes in exchange rate regimes (transition to a single currency basket). The regression analysis results show that there is no correlation between fluctuations of national currencies against each other and against the USD, as well as the value of the currency basket and portfolio investments assets of Indonesia and Malaysia. The transition to a single currency basket also does not affect the volume of assets of Singapore’s portfolio investments. However, there is a weak correlation between the volume of Singapore's assets and fluctuations of national currencies against each other and against the USD. Finally, for the Philippines and Thailand, monetary policy coordination will have a significant positive effect.
Code 339.727+339.743
DOI 10.14530/reg.2020.4.24
Keywords ASEAN ♦ ASEAN+3 ♦ exchange rate regimes ♦ portfolio investment ♦ gravity model
Download 2020-04.24.pdf
For citation Dyomina Y.V. Exchange Rate Regime Changes and Portfolio Investment Flows in ASEAN Countries. Regionalistica [Regionalistics]. 2020. Vol. 7. No. 4. Pp. 24–37. (In Russian)
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