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previous article Regionalistica 2018 Volume 5 number 3 pages 59-67 next article


Title of the article Prospects for the Development of Russian Electricity Exports to NEA Countries
Pages 59-67
Author Dyomina Olga ValeryevnaDyomina Olga Valeryevna
Ph.D. in economics, senior researcher
Economic Research Institute FEB RAS
153, Tikhookeanskaya Street, Khabarovsk, Russia, 680042
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Abstract The author describes energy systems of the Eastern regions of Russia: the United Energy System of the East (the UES of the East), isolated energy systems of the Russian Far East and Buryat and Transbaikal regional energy systems, which are parts of the United Energy System of Siberia. It is shown that the energy systems of the Russian Far East are surplus in power, the energy systems of Transbaikal territory are scarce. According to the plans for the development of these energy systems up to 2035 the most significant changes are expected in the UES of the East due to the expansion of its territorial boundaries. The author analyzes the prospects of expanding the electricity export to China (from the UES of the East) and to Mongolia (from the Irkutsk energy system transit through the energy systems of Transbaikal territory).
Code 339.56+332.1
DOI 10.14530/reg.2018.3.59
Keywords energy system ♦ electricity export ♦ Russian Far East ♦ Transbaikal territory ♦ China ♦ Mongolia
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For citation Dyomina O.V. Prospects for the Development of Russian Electricity Exports to NEA Countries. Regionalistica [Regionalistics]. 2018. Vol. 5. No. 3. Pp. 59–67. DOI: 10.14530/reg.2018.3.59. (In Russian).
References 1. Vilenskiy М.А. Problems of Development of the Electricity of Far East. Moscow, 1954. 159 p. (In Russian)
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7. Dyomina O.V., Ognev A.Y. The Development of Energy Cooperation between Russia and China: The Declaration and Practice. In: Energy of Russia in XXI Century. Innovative Development and Management. Irkutsk, 2015. Pp. 141–147. (In Russian)
8. Report on the Functioning of the UES of Russia in 2016. Available at: (accessed 21 April 2018). (In Russian)
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11. Electric Power Grid Interconnection in Northeast Asia. Available at: (accessed 28 April 2018). (In Russian)


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