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Regionalistica 2024 Volume 11 number 3 pages 64-79 | ![]() |
Title of the article | Modern Experience of Implementation of Regional Demographic Policy in the China Liaoning Province |
Pages | 64-79 |
Author | ![]() doctor of historical sciences, associate professor, department head Institute for Demographic Research FCTAS RAS 6, Fotieva Street, Moscow, Russia, 119333 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ORCID: 0000-0003-2953-0411 |
Abstract | One of the current vectors of China’s regional policy, implemented in the northeastern province of Liaoning, is the demographic vector. The purpose of the article is to consider the modern experience of implementing regional demographic policy in the context of a comprehensive socio-economic revival of the province, as well as a reduction in the size and aging of the population of the North-East of China. The quantitative characteristics of the demographic development of Liaoning Province for 2020–2023 are characterized, the features of the formation and implementation of regional demographic policy, including at the municipal level, are determined, using the example of the city of Shenyang. |
Code | 332.145+314.152.2 |
DOI | 10.14530/reg.2024.3.64 |
Keywords | China, Liaoning Province, regional development, revival of North-East China, demographic policy, fertility decline, population aging |
Download | 2024-03.64.pdf |
For citation | Makeeva S.B. Modern Experience of Implementation of Regional Demographic Policy in the China Liaoning Province. Regionalistica [Regionalistics]. 2024. Vol. 11. No. 3. Pp. 64–79. http://dx.doi.org/10.14530/reg.2024.3.64 (In Russian) |
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Financing | The study was funded by the RSF, grant No. 24-28-00276. |
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