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previous article Regionalistica 2023 Volume 10 number 6 pages 40-58 next article


Title of the article Fish and Forest Imports of the Asia-Pacific: Role of the Russian Far East in Current Restrictions
Pages 40-58
Author 1 Dyomina Yana ValeryevnaDyomina Yana Valeryevna
candidate of sciences (economics), senior research fellow
Economic Research Institute FEB RAS
153, Tikhookeanskaya Street, Khabarovsk, Russia, 680042
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ORCID: 0000-0001-5208-7273
Author 2 Mazitova Marina GamilovnaMazitova Marina Gamilovna
research fellow
Economic Research Institute FEB RAS
153, Tikhookeanskaya Street, Khabarovsk, Russia, 680042
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ORCID: 0000-0002-7978-7904
Abstract The article analyzes markets of forest and fish products of the Asia-Pacific region (APR) – China, Japan, the Republic of Korea (NEA-3) and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). The APR markets are one of the largest segments of the world markets of forest and fish products. The region accounts for about 60% of global fish production; and from 11 to 52% of forestry production (depending on the commodity). At the same time, China is the largest producer: its share in the global production of fish and seafood in 2021 was 35.3%; of wood-based panels – 44.4%. Japan and the Republic of Korea are net importers of forest and fish products. Although China imports these products in large volumes, however, this is mostly due to re-export and processing trade. ASEAN as a whole provides itself with forest and fish products, but there are significant differences across countries. The study shows the role of Russian, in general, and Far Eastern, in particular, supplies of forest and fish products in the markets of the Asia-Pacific. Russia was one of the key suppliers to the markets of the NEA-3 countries and did not play a significant role in markets of the ASEAN countries. Almost 100% of Russian exports of fish products to the Asia-Pacific come from the Far East, and about a third from exports of forest products. The article reveals the impact of international sanctions against the Russian Federation and Russian countermeasures applied since 2022 on the indicators of Far Eastern exports of forest and fish products. As a result of the imposed restrictions, the commodity and geographical structure of the supply of forest products has changed: export of wood chips and veneer sheets has stopped; the Japanese market has been practically lost. Export restrictions of 2022 did not affect the Far Eastern supplies of fish products, as the NEA-3 countries did not join the US and EU sanctions.
Code 339.5+339.9
DOI 10.14530/reg.2023.6.40
Keywords export, sanctions, Russia, Far East, APR, NEA, East Asia, China, Japan, Republic of Korea, ASEAN
Download 2023-06.40.pdf
For citation Dyomina Ya.V., Mazitova M.G. Fish and Forest Imports of the Asia-Pacific: Role of the Russian Far East in Current Restrictions. Regionalistica [Regionalistics]. 2023. Vol. 10. No. 6. Pp. 40–58. (In Russian)
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