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previous article Regionalistica 2023 Volume 10 number 5 pages 60-76 next article


Title of the article Multivariance of Assessments of the Potential of Socio-Economic Development of Municipalities. Example of the Khabarovsk Territory and the Jewish Autonomous Region
Pages 60-76
Author Leonov Sergey NikolaevichLeonov Sergey Nikolaevich
doctor of economics, professor, leading researcher
Economic Research Institute FEB RAS
153, Tikhookeanskaya Street, Khabarovsk, Russia, 680042
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ORCID: 0000-0001-6936-5436
Abstract Recently, issues of unification (consolidation) of the subjects of the Russian Federation have become more acute to improve the standard of living of the population and accelerate regional development. In the Far East, the Jewish Autonomous Region and the Khabarovsk Territory are considered as such subjects of the federation, which until 1992 formed a single administrative-territorial unit, and are currently the subject of discussion about the prospects of their merger. It is important to assess the potential of the municipalities of the named territories and the possibilities of its rational use. Using general scientific research methods, the work examines the concept of «socio-economic potential of a municipality» and identifies approaches to its quantitative assessment. Municipalities have been identified – the «locomotives» of economic development of the Khabarovsk Territory and the Jewish Autonomous Region, which have the most significant and actively used potential for municipal development; the high importance of the socio-economic potentials of urban districts is shown and the comparative values of the development potentials of municipal districts are assessed. The multivariance of assessments (multiplicity of options) of the potential of municipalities for the purposes of economic growth has been revealed. It has been determined that the structure of the socio-economic potential of the municipality also remains a subject of debate in the scientific community; there is no consensus on its constituent elements. It is noted that the systematization of the structural elements of the socio-economic potential of the municipality and approaches to its determination is especially relevant for the economy of modern Russia, as it allows us to determine the directions for using the resource component of the economy of the constituent entities of the federation.
Code 332.14+517.97
DOI 10.14530/reg.2023.5.60
Keywords municipalities, potential of municipal development, assessment of the potential of the municipalities, Khabarovsk Territory, Jewish Autonomous Region
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For citation Leonov S.N. Multivariance of Assessments of the Potential of Socio-Economic Development of Municipalities. Example of the Khabarovsk Territory and the Jewish Autonomous Region. Regionalistica [Regionalistics]. 2023. Vol. 10. No. 5. Pp. 60–76. (In Russian)
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Financing The research is done under the grant of the Russian Science Foundation (project No. 23-18-00180 «Multivariaty of determinants and trends of economic dynamics of Russian municipalities: conceptualization, identification and typologization in the interests of state regulation of spatial development») in the Institute of Economic Forecasting of the Russian Academy of Sciences.


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